Lightlever Systems Microsoft 365


Easily Build an Attractive POLICY MANUAL with Microsoft 365!

Your staff use your intranet to get information. Is your policy manual or employee handbook easily searchable and readable? And are updates, reviews, edits and permissions easily manageable?

There’s a simple way to upgrade your old Word manual to #SharePoint. The resulting “on-line document” is a series of site pages with an automatically generated index. It includes fields to track who is responsible for this section (page, or policy), when the next review date is, and more. The online version of your old Word or PDF will be easier to search, cross-reference, maintain, and, most importantly, easier for your staff to find, navigate and read.

We use SharePoint pages, with some very minor tweaks, and an out-of-the-box “Grouped View” that will always, automatically be up to date.

Watch the video below to see how.

Excerpt from the Intranet Build Toolkit.

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