Easily Build an Attractive POLICY MANUAL with Microsoft 365!

Your staff use your intranet to get information. Is your policy manual or employee handbook easily searchable and readable? And are updates, reviews, edits and permissions easily manageable? There’s a simple way to upgrade your old Word manual to #SharePoint. The resulting “on-line document” is a series of site pages with an automatically generated index. […]
How to Build a TIMESHEET APP in Microsoft 365

Do you need to track time for your business or your projects? You could purchase Timesheet software, but if you are using @Microsoft365, you can easily build it and save money on software and licenses. Why not better use the tools you are already paying for? (Yes, we’re talking about Microsoft 365, SharePoint, PowerApps, and […]
Build a Help & Support Page in SharePoint

Your #intranet users need an easy place to GET HELP. The SharePoint in Practice Intranet Build Toolkit shows us how to create a HELP & SUPPORT Page. Keep it fresh and everybody benefits. Did you find this Useful? Contact gerry@lightlever.ca for a free consultation, and ask about our special rates for social-profit organizations. Need more #DIY #Intranet […]
Gratitude: the Lightlever Origin Story

We’re not the X-MEN but Lightlever has an origin story, too. We may not be as cool as Wolverine, but please watch…and share. Thank you to @sean at @regroove, @kelly, and @veronica, @chris, @shelley and everyone who has supported us over the years! We started our as Sector Learning Solutions in Victoria, BC and now […]
Introducing SharePoint in Practice, 2nd Edition

Unleash Your Digital Workplace: Master Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Online Step-by-Step Guidance and Downloadable SharePoint Tools for Small Business or Nonprofit Cloud Success: Strengthen Communication, Collaboration, and Intranet Excellence. Elevate Your Intranet Game: Master SharePoint in Practice Here are the secrets to building a robust intranet that truly works for your team! Our practical techniques, […]